The Dreamer

Personally curated business strategy + back-end support to guide your business' growth 

The Dreamer

Personally curated business strategy + back-end support to guide your business' growth 

Let me guess...

You're overwhelmed with managing all the moving parts of your business, your attempts at self-made systems just aren't cutting it, and despite your best efforts, sustainable growth seems like a goal that's totally out-of-reach.

But here’s the thing: strategic support that genuinely cares about your bottom line can transform your relationship with your business from "on again-off again" to grounded, secure, and soulfully aligned.

Let me guess...

You're overwhelmed with managing all the moving parts of your business, your attempts at self-made systems just aren't cutting it, and despite your best efforts, sustainable growth seems like a goal that's totally out-of-reach.

But here’s the thing: strategic support that genuinely cares about your bottom line can transform your relationship with your business from "on again-off again" to grounded, secure, and soulfully aligned.

Does this sound familiar?

You open your email daily, craving new client inquiries, but instead, you're greeted by a desolate inbox. This lack of efficient marketing strategy leaves you questioning where to even begin.


You find yourself constantly buried in client work, struggling to surface for a breath. Your days are consumed by the minutiae, leaving no room for strategic growth or personal endeavors.


Your profits are stagnant, not reflective of the effort you pour into your business. This financial plateau is frustrating, especially when you're unsure how to elevate your income.


Your to-do list is a never-ending story, with no space left for creativity or relaxation. This constant busyness leaves you feeling drained and unable to enjoy life outside work.


Organizational chaos reigns supreme in your business, zapping your energy and efficiency. Despite your best efforts, you're stuck in a loop of inefficiency, far from your zone of genius.


Does this sound familiar?

You open your email daily, craving new client inquiries, but instead, you're greeted by a desolate inbox. This lack of efficient marketing strategy leaves you questioning where to even begin.


You find yourself constantly buried in client work, struggling to surface for a breath. Your days are consumed by the minutiae, leaving no room for strategic growth or personal endeavors.


Your profits are stagnant, not reflective of the effort you pour into your business. This financial plateau is frustrating, especially when you're unsure how to elevate your income.

Your to-do list is a never-ending story, with no space left for creativity or relaxation. This constant busyness leaves you feeling drained and unable to enjoy life outside work.

Organizational chaos reigns supreme in your business, zapping your energy and efficiency. Despite your best efforts, you're stuck in a loop of inefficiency, far from your zone of genius.




You don't need more tools and tactics that miss the mark, you need a dedicated team that knows the heartbeat of your business as well as you do.

You don't need more tools and tactics that miss the mark, you need a dedicated team that knows the heartbeat of your business as well as you do.


We get it: it can be hard to let someone new into your business and trust that your investment will actually match your expectations.

That's why we do things differently.

We deeply value your insight and want you to feel seen + heard from the very start, so we take a whole month at the start of our partnership to intimately understand you and your business.

With our team, you will never be "just another client."  You are our top priority, always, and the quality of our work reflects the level of care we hold for each of our clients.

If you're anything like most of our clients, you need help to take your business to the next level. You want a team that is equally as excited about your work and can drive your mission forward effortlessly.

What Makes Us Different:

VIP Treatment in Month 1: At the start of our partnership, you will connect 1:1 with our founder, Maddie, so that we can intimately understand the inner workings of your business and ensure that your VA's efforts are perfectly synced with your goals. 

Monthly Strategic Support: Investing in VA support is, truthfully, a waste of money if you don't feel clear and confident in your business decisions.  That's why we include monthly consulting calls with Maddie in our Dreamer package to help you stay focused and accountable. We will help you maintain a consistent strategy and can provide regular expert input when you need a partner who cares about your business just as much as you do.

Experienced and Well-Trained VAs: Your VAs' extensive experience and continuous training ensure they are not just assistants but strategic assets.

Fairly Compensated VAs: Paying VAs a livable wage translates to higher job satisfaction and commitment. This means you receive support from someone who is genuinely invested and enthusiastic about your business, a contrast to the typical VA experience.

Customized Support: Tailoring services to each client's unique needs ensures that Ava gets exactly the kind of support she needs, whether it's in marketing, client management, or administrative tasks, thus addressing her specific pain points.

Long-term Growth Focus: Your services are designed not just for immediate relief but for sustainable growth. This aligns with Ava's need for not just tackling day-to-day tasks but also strategically scaling her business.


We get it: it can be hard to let someone new into your business and trust that your investment will actually match your expectations.

That's why we do things differently.

We deeply value your insight and want you to feel seen + heard from the very start, so we take a whole month at the start of our partnership to intimately understand you and your business.

With our team, you will never be "just another client."  You are our top priority, always, and the quality of our work reflects the level of care we hold for each of our clients.

If you're anything like most of our clients, you need help to take your business to the next level. You want a team that is equally as excited about your work and can drive your mission forward effortlessly.

What Makes Us Different:

VIP Treatment in Month 1: At the start of our partnership, you will connect 1:1 with our founder, Maddie, so that we can intimately understand the inner workings of your business and ensure that your VA's efforts are perfectly synced with your goals. 

Monthly Strategic Support: Investing in VA support is, truthfully, a waste of money if you don't feel clear and confident in your business decisions.  That's why we include monthly consulting calls with Maddie in our Dreamer package to help you stay focused and accountable. We will help you maintain a consistent strategy and can provide regular expert input when you need a partner who cares about your business just as much as you do.

Experienced and Well-Trained VAs: Your VAs' extensive experience and continuous training ensure they are not just assistants but strategic assets.

Fairly Compensated VAs: Paying VAs a livable wage translates to higher job satisfaction and commitment. This means you receive support from someone who is genuinely invested and enthusiastic about your business, a contrast to the typical VA experience.

Customized Support: Tailoring services to each client's unique needs ensures that you get exactly the kind of support that you need, whether it's in marketing, client management, or administrative tasks, thus addressing your unique pain points.




The $100/month investment can be used as a monthly credit towards your projects with our VA staff.  Hourly pricing for VA projects is $60/hour.     

Hours We've Given Back to Women Just Like You

Founders We've Supported Through Our Work

Cumulative Years of Industry Experience 




Hours We've Given Back to Women Just Like You

Founders We've Supported Through Our Work

Cumulative Years of Industry Experience 

What You Get in the Dreamer Package:

What You Get in the Dreamer Package:





During month 1 of your Dreamer package, you will meet directly with our founder, Maddie, for a 4-hour deep dive discovery session.  Yep, you read that right: you get 4 dedicated hours with a consultant's full attention on your business.  The deep dive discovery session offers the opportunity for Maddie to understand who you are as an entrepreneur and leader of your company and also is a time for her to better understand your current business gaps and your long-term vision for business and life. 

On the call together, we will do a deep-dive into:
+ Your vision and desires as a CEO
+ Your personality and leadership styles
+ Your specific goals for the next 6+ months 
+ Your own definition of success for yourself *and* your business
+ Your current season of life and the roadblocks showing up for you right now
+ Any gaps or issues that you’re continually noticing in your business (like client retention, offer development, team management, inconsistent revenue)
+A business model analysis where we will thoroughly explore your services, target demographic, unique selling points, and pricing structure
+Your tech stack and how you are spending your time/energy in your business (so we can see what can be further automated + delegated for efficiency)
+ Q&A time for you to pick Maddie’s brain for any of your burning questions





After your deep dive discovery session, you will meet with Maddie again within month 1 for a 90-minute follow-up call.  During this call, we will:

+ Review and Refine: Together, we will assess the action plan crafted in the deep dive, ensuring that it feels aligned with your goals + your energetic capacity
+ Discuss an Implementation Strategy: We will set a timeline for VA integration into key areas, establishing communication protocols and reporting structures
+ Set Performance Indicators: We will define specific metrics and KPIs to measure the impact of VA support on your business.
+ Cover Risk Management: We will discuss potential challenges within your action plan and set up contingency plans to support you when challenges arise
+ Create an Open Feedback Loop: We will establish a regular feedback mechanism to ensure the VA's support evolves with your business.





After the first VIP month that you spend working with Maddie, you then are connected with a VA to support you with all of your implementable needs!  We have 3 base options for monthly VA support: 10 hours/month, 15 hours/month, 20 hours/month.  You are able to use these hours however you wish each and every month.  In other words, you have the flexibility to receive the exact kind of support you need when you need it!  If you want social media support one month and email marketing support the next, we can make that happen.  Simply pick and choose the tasks you'd like support with from the service list below and sit back as we work magic BTS in your biz!





As you work alongside your VA, you will continue to have Maddie's consulting support every month via a 60-minute consulting call!  When you’re dealing with a serious lack of clarity and you don’t know where to turn next, you have someone in your corner who intimately understands your business and your goals to help you carve a clear path forward.  These consulting calls act as opportunity for you to:

+ Be held accountable to the goals we set at the beginning of our partnership.  If you struggle with staying on task, these consulting calls are a great time to ground back into your vision and gain clarity on what needs to be done for you to achieve your goals!

+ Be intentional with your investment.  As a dreamer, you have a lot of big ideas and, sometimes, it can be hard to know exactly how to use your VA support to bring those ideas to life.  We've watched way too many founders waste their money on delegating tasks to their VA that weren't actually moving the needle forward.  With Maddie's support, you will be able to hone in on exactly what needs to be delegated to ensure that you are making the most of every dollar you spend with our agency.  Because, unlike other agencies, we don't want to see you spending (read: wasting) more money.

+ Ask your burning questions + receive feedback on new ideas.  Gone are the days where you have to invest thousands of dollars into a business coach to receive strategic feedback on your business.  With The Dreamer package, strategic support is built-in AND integrated with your VA support.  In other words, you now will have big-picture support with a consultant who can actually communicate your needs directly to your VA team.  You no longer have to be the middle man between your coach and your team.

Pick + Choose the Support You Need:

Pick + Choose the Support You Need:





Examples of tasks we can support you with:
+ Setting up a new email marketing system and transferring/re-tagging subscribers
+Creating opt-in forms to capture new leads and subscribers
+Writing weekly newsletters that match your brand voice
+Outlining, writing, and setting up the automations for strategic email sequences for upcoming launches
+Create a re-engagement campaign to increase the efficacy of your email marketing campaigns





Examples of tasks we can support you with:
+ Organizing your inbox with folders to make finding the emails you're searching for a breeze
+ Responding to emails from clients and leads
+ Coordinating your scheduling and setting appointments on your calendar
+Color coding and re-organizing your schedule/calendar
+ Updating your scheduling tool to reflect changes in your schedule





Examples of tasks we can support you with:
+ Setting up the backend of a new course platform
+ Creating an outline for your course so you know exactly what content to create
+ Uploading video content into the course portal
+ Creating branded course experiences
+ Designing and copywriting course workbooks and worksheets
+ Tracking student progress throughout the course
+ Responding to student questions in the course platform
+ Creating marketing assets to support your course enrollment





Examples of tasks we can support you with:
+ Designing branded cover art
+ Writing show notes
+ Editing podcast tracks
+ Creating audiograms to promote upcoming podcast episodes
+ Creating marketing assets to support podcast launches
+ Scheduling podcast guests
+ Conducting outreach to guests to host on your podcast
+ Conducting outreach to podcast hosts to be featured on their podcasts





Examples of tasks we can support you with:
+ Researching topics for blog articles to enhance to your brand and establish your authority within your community
+ Writing, editing, and scheduling blog posts for your website
+ Designing a blog page on your website
+ Creating marketing assets to support the release of new blogs





Examples of tasks we can support you with:
+ Creating branded graphics (static posts, reel covers, stories, etc.)
+ Editing and posting reels
+ Writing captions
+ Developing a hashtag strategy to support your content
+ Scheduling posts through Later, Planoly, etc.
+ Manually posting reels and stories
+ Responding to comments on your posts
+ Engaging with your current audience and potential ideal clients outside of your community
+ Tracking and reporting analytics





Examples of tasks we can support you with:
+ Updating sales pages to reflect changes in offering
+ Writing copy for your website
+ Fixing brokens links/buttons
+ Troubleshooting domain errors
+ Creating email opt-in forms and pop-ups for your website

With Our Dreamer Package, You Will:

Launch into your weekend with a sense of accomplishment and tranquility, knowing your to-do list is not just managed, but masterfully handled. You can genuinely relax and rejuvenate, fully disengaging from the pressure entrepreneurship can bring.

Channel your energy into your true strengths and passions, while the operational and administrative tasks are seamlessly taken care of. This focus shift enables you to make impactful strides in areas that truly matter for your business growth.

Benefit from a dual advantage of strategic consultancy and practical VA support, ensuring not just visionary progress but also its tangible implementation. This duo lifts the weight of progress off your shoulders, transforming plans into actions.

Operate with a clear, well-crafted plan, replacing random attempts with strategic moves. This structured approach eliminates guesswork, paving a clearer path towards your business goals.

You deserve a team that is committed to and excited about your success.


With Our Dreamer Package, You Will:

Launch into your weekend with a sense of accomplishment and tranquility, knowing your to-do list is not just managed, but masterfully handled. You can genuinely relax and rejuvenate, fully disengaging from the pressure entrepreneurship can bring.

Channel your energy into your true strengths and passions, while the operational and administrative tasks are seamlessly taken care of. This focus shift enables you to make impactful strides in areas that truly matter for your business growth.

Benefit from a dual advantage of strategic consultancy and practical VA support, ensuring not just visionary progress but also its tangible implementation. This duo lifts the weight of progress off your shoulders, transforming plans into actions.

Operate with a clear, well-crafted plan, replacing random attempts with strategic moves. This structured approach eliminates guesswork, paving a clearer path towards your business goals.

You deserve a team that is committed to and excited about your success.




Grace John

Virtual Assistant

Hi! My name is Grace John and I'm a virtual assistant and social media manager with a BFA in graphic design. I started helping small, woman owned businesses with Pinterest Management, IG management, and several other time consuming tasks at the beginning of the pandemic. My passion is helping other women thrive in their businesses by tackling the parts of their workload that CAN be outsourced so that they can stay in their zone of genius & focus on growth. On a more personal level, I am from Memphis, Tennessee, I love to travel, cook, host game nights for friends, and love getting to know new people--like you!

Watch Grace's intro video HERE.



Liz Chalmers

Virtual Assistant

Hi there, my name is Elizabeth! I have been a VA and OBM for about three years, and before that I was in corporate management for the majority of my career. I took the leap of faith to go down this path to focus on what I love doing the most, and making the biggest impact I can for the businesses I work with.

Watch Liz's intro video HERE.



Mia Cartwright

Virtual Assistant

Hi! My name is Mia. I am based out of Alberta, Canada and have a passion for helping businesses level up through their digital marketing.

I am a boy mom, a dog mom, and am engaged to my favorite person in the world. I began my digital marketing career 10 years ago and since then have been able to collaborate with multiple clients across different industries.

Watch Mia's intro video HERE.



Madeline Ciliberto

Virtual Assistant

Madeline is a VA for her. with over 15 years of experience supporting women behind the scenes in their business & personal path. My life has been devoted to supporting women & children through various forms of Art, Behavioral Therapies, & the Holistic Healing Arts. Madeline loves to travel, do yoga, & you can find her at home with her dog & family in her spare time.

Watch Madeline's intro video HERE.



Liz Chalmers

Virtual Assistant

Hi there, my name is Elizabeth! I have been a VA and OBM for about three years, and before that I was in corporate management for the majority of my career. I took the leap of faith to go down this path to focus on what I love doing the most, and making the biggest impact I can for the businesses I work with.

Watch Liz's intro video HERE.





Grace John

Virtual Assistant

Hi! My name is Grace John and I'm a virtual assistant and social media manager with a BFA in graphic design. I started helping small, woman owned businesses with Pinterest Management, IG management, and several other time consuming tasks at the beginning of the pandemic. My passion is helping other women thrive in their businesses by tackling the parts of their workload that CAN be outsourced so that they can stay in their zone of genius & focus on growth. On a more personal level, I am from Memphis, Tennessee, I love to travel, cook, host game nights for friends, and love getting to know new people--like you!

Watch Grace's intro video HERE.



Mia Cartwright

Virtual Assistant

Hi! My name is Mia. I am based out of Alberta, Canada and have a passion for helping businesses level up through their digital marketing.  I am a boy mom, a dog mom, and am engaged to my favorite person in the world. I began my digital marketing career 10 years ago and since then have been able to collaborate with multiple clients across different industries.

Watch Mia's intro video HERE.





Madeline Ciliberto

Virtual Assistant

Madeline is a VA for her. with over 15 years of experience supporting women behind the scenes in their business & personal path. My life has been devoted to supporting women & children through various forms of Art, Behavioral Therapies, & the Holistic Healing Arts. Madeline loves to travel, do yoga, & you can find her at home with her dog & family in her spare time.

Watch Madeline's intro video HERE.



Meet Maddie Hunt, founder of her.  Since 2020, Maddie’s visionary leadership has grown the agency from an all-consuming side hustle to a sustainable, multi-6-figure business set for long-term growth.

After graduating from West Chester University with her BS in Public Health, Maddie entered the workforce just as the global pandemic changed the way we work forever. Her studies focused on the impact of stress on our physiology and psychology, so she created strategies and programs to prevent mental and physical illness and burnout. That basis still informs her strategic vision today.

In all that she does, Maddie operates from a lens of well being.
That means as a consultant, she looks at the well being of your business AND you to ensure that you both are aligned in a sustainable way.

More than once in her entrepreneurial journey, she burned out. But every time, she came back to learn a new way to show up for her clients and community that felt truly nourishing. That sustainability allows her to maintain her mission-driven commitment for the years to come: to empower and enable as many women as possible to do more of what they love, with the people they love, while leaving a lasting impact on the communities that matter most to them.

Maddie and her team have enabled over 100+ clients to create businesses that feel more sustainable and enjoyable, with the day-to-day support of a VA team member. This work is her soul work and she's excited to support other women in their soul work, too.


Meet Maddie Hunt, founder of her.  Since 2020, Maddie’s visionary leadership has grown the agency from an all-consuming side hustle to a sustainable, multi-6-figure business set for long-term growth.

After graduating from West Chester University with her BS in Public Health, Maddie entered the workforce just as the global pandemic changed the way we work forever. Her studies focused on the impact of stress on our physiology and psychology, so she created strategies and programs to prevent mental and physical illness and burnout. That basis still informs her strategic vision today.

In all that she does, Maddie operates from a lens of well being.
That means as a consultant, she looks at the well being of your business AND you to ensure that you both are aligned in a sustainable way.

More than once in her entrepreneurial journey, she burned out. But every time, she came back to learn a new way to show up for her clients and community that felt truly nourishing. That sustainability allows her to maintain her mission-driven commitment for the years to come: to empower and enable as many women as possible to do more of what they love, with the people they love, while leaving a lasting impact on the communities that matter most to them.

Maddie and her team have enabled over 100+ clients to create businesses that feel more sustainable and enjoyable, with the day-to-day support of a VA team member.  This work is her soul work and she's excited to support other women in their soul work, too.



"[Maddie's] perspective and support are truly invaluable, and our work together has helped to drive key decisions that I've felt stuck on in my business for awhile!  Our work together helped illuminate so many opportunities, and to intentionally choose which to pursue with data and systems to back up my next moves."

~Emily Cassel

"What’s made it invaluable is the support I’ve received around honoring my capacity, it being okay to change my mind and go in a different direction and the feeling of knowing that even if I take a step back we’ve got the systems and plans and everything set up that I won’t have a fire to put out when I return." 

~Kylee Nelson

"My VA has been absolutely incredible in doing engagement, making my pod episodes sounds flawless and just allowing me peace of mind that my biz is in great hands while I’m away or not working. It’s allowed me to travel and take time off social media when I want. I can’t recommend her. enough!

~Rachel Kelly


"[Maddie's] perspective and support are truly invaluable, and our work together has helped to drive key decisions that I've felt stuck on in my business for awhile!  Our work together helped illuminate so many opportunities, and to intentionally choose which to pursue with data and systems to back up my next moves."

~Emily Cassel

"What’s made it invaluable is the support I’ve received around honoring my capacity, it being okay to change my mind and go in a different direction and the feeling of knowing that even if I take a step back we’ve got the systems and plans and everything set up that I won’t have a fire to put out when I return." 

~Kylee Nelson

"My VA has been absolutely incredible in doing engagement, making my pod episodes sounds flawless and just allowing me peace of mind that my biz is in great hands while I’m away or not working. It’s allowed me to travel and take time off social media when I want. I can’t recommend her. enough!

~Rachel Kelly

Frequently Asked Questions

Our VAs are equipped to handle a wide range of tasks, each tailored to your specific business needs. For instance, they can manage your emails and calendar, ensuring you never miss a beat or an opportunity. They're skilled in course design and management, helping you develop and streamline your educational content. For content creation, they can handle blog writing, scheduling, and even managing your Instagram to enhance your online presence. Plus, they're adept in website management, keeping your digital space updated and engaging. This comprehensive support not only frees up your time, but also enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of your business operations.

In the first month, you'll have a 4-hour deep-dive call and a 90-minute follow-up with Maddie to align your business goals and strategy with the VA's support.  More detailed information about each of these calls can be found under "What You Get in the Dreamer Package."

Our VAs have at least 4 years of industry experience and receive quarterly training to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and tools.

We carefully match you with a VA based on your specific business needs and preferences to ensure a great fit.  If you have a preference after reading our team's bios and watching their intro videos, you can let us know during your discovery call and we will try our best to match you with your preferred team member!

Billing is based on the package you choose, which includes a set number of hours per month, along with strategic consulting support.  You will be billed automatically once per month on your billing date.

If you find you need more support, you are able to purchase additional hours a le carte as long as your VA has the capacity for the additional support.  We are always happy to support you more deeply should you need the extra time!

We strive for a perfect match, but if there are any issues, we're committed to resolving them quickly, including reassignment if necessary.

Our VA service takes over your administrative and operational tasks, allowing you to direct your focus on areas that drive business growth. The real transformation, however, comes from the strategic consulting with Maddie. Through these sessions, Maddie helps you identify growth opportunities, refine your marketing strategies, optimize your service offerings, and improve client engagement tactics. Her insights on business scaling are tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that every step you take is aligned with your vision and growth objectives. This approach not only streamlines your current operations but sets a solid foundation for sustainable expansion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our VAs are equipped to handle a wide range of tasks, each tailored to your specific business needs. For instance, they can manage your emails and calendar, ensuring you never miss a beat or an opportunity. They're skilled in course design and management, helping you develop and streamline your educational content. For content creation, they can handle blog writing, scheduling, and even managing your Instagram to enhance your online presence. Plus, they're adept in website management, keeping your digital space updated and engaging. This comprehensive support not only frees up your time, but also enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of your business operations.

In the first month, you'll have a 4-hour deep-dive call and a 90-minute follow-up with Maddie to align your business goals and strategy with the VA's support. More detailed information about each of these calls can be found under "What You Get in the Dreamer Package."

Our VAs have at least 4 years of industry experience and receive quarterly training to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and tools.

We carefully match you with a VA based on your specific business needs and preferences to ensure a great fit. If you have a preference after reading our team's bios and watching their intro videos, you can let us know during your discovery call and we will try our best to match you with your preferred team member!

Billing is based on the package you choose, which includes a set number of hours per month, along with strategic consulting support. You will be billed automatically once per month on your billing date.

If you find you need more support, you are able to purchase additional hours a le carte as long as your VA has the capacity for the additional support. We are always happy to support you more deeply should you need the extra time!

We strive for a perfect match, but if there are any issues, we're committed to resolving them quickly, including reassignment if necessary.

Our VA service takes over your administrative and operational tasks, allowing you to direct your focus on areas that drive business growth. The real transformation, however, comes from the strategic consulting with Maddie. Through these sessions, Maddie helps you identify growth opportunities, refine your marketing strategies, optimize your service offerings, and improve client engagement tactics. Her insights on business scaling are tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that every step you take is aligned with your vision and growth objectives. This approach not only streamlines your current operations but sets a solid foundation for sustainable expansion.